
I built a Ross Lillistone Flint over about 18 months of weekends. Arr & Arr is a 15-foot open boat designed primarily for oars but which also takes a small outboard and sail. I built the version that takes a balance lug sail.

December 12, 2021: I spent the day rowing Arr & Arr on Lake Walter E. Long (a.k.a. Decker Lake) on the east side of Austin.

November 2–3, 2019: Overnight trip to Matagorda Island. I sailed Arr & Arr out to Sunday Beach/Pass on Matagorda Island, just off the Texas coast, in the company of four other boats and a great group of sailors.

October 15, 2016: Sailing on Lake Walter E. Long (a.k.a. Decker Lake). I was getting used to the hiking straps and Norwegian push-pull tiller I'd recently added. The wind built a little during the few hours I was out there. After dipping the gunwale a couple of times, I tucked in a reef. Fun day.

July 30, 2016: Sailing on Lake Walter E. Long (a.k.a. Decker Lake). I added seat cushions and hiking straps to Arr & Arr. Now it's much more comfy.

May 28, 2016: Sailing on Lake Walter E. Long (a.k.a. Decker Lake). I didn't have hiking straps yet, so I had to lean out over the gunwale to produce any righting force. Had a sore back afterward.